Child marriage is a crime and anyone indulging in it needs to be prosecuted
By Bhuwan Ribhu
Child marriage is child rape, and there is no euphemism that can cloak this crime as a mere social injustice. While the entire nation fares poorly on the issue of child marriage, with one out of every three child brides in the world living in India, there is a huge disparity among the Indian States as well. Andhra Pradesh, along with a few other States, has a much higher incidence of child marriage at 29.3 per cent, as against the national average of 23.3 per cent, according to the National Health Family Survey V (2019-21). Socially acceptable customs, limited access to education, parental fears of dowry and elopement, a sense of insecurity for adolescent girls and socioeconomic conditions — these challenging factors contribute to an ecosystem that not only allows child marriage to exist but also makes it thrive.
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